Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

We took Lil Man for his very first pumpkin patch outing yesterday. It was fun but my poor little guy was so exhausted that he didn't fully enjoy the experience. He hadn't had a nap all day and each time I tried to put him down for one, it was interrupted for one reason or another. But, we put a sweater on him and took him none the less.
We visited the "guess how big" pumpkin first. This pumpkin was HUGE!!!!! Mason wasn't impressed but I sure was! It weighed in at around 825 pounds I believe I read. Wow, wonder how much that would cost??!! LOL!!!!

Next we took some pictures of Lil Man in the characters. This one is my favorite picture. He looks so pensive in it.....I wonder what he was thinking.....

We then picked out our pumpkin for Halloween. It was windy and Mason was not only extremely tired but didn't like the wind blowing on him. He took the pumpkin patch for a while and then he broke down...

Overall, it was a great day. Even though Mason was tired, the one time is the only time he cried. As always, he was a trooper and let us do what we needed to do. It was such a fun day :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Tooth!!

Mason has his first tooth!!!! I noticed it yesterday. I tried taking a picture and videoing it, but Mason Andrew had other plans and tried to eat both, picture. BUT once the tooth gets a little more through the gum there will be some to follow!!!! He is just so cute and he's really adjusting well to teething. He's chewing on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!! When I pick him up he even tries to chew on my chin. It's so funny, he comes at me like a little monster with a big smile, mouth wide open and making his cute little monster noises. Then he latches on and it's chew, chew, chew :) He gets a little more whiney but no crazy bouts of screaming that I've heard stories about while teething. He did wake up about 11:30 last night crying but after about 20 minutes and a dose of Tylenol, he settled down and slept until 7:30am. He is just the best baby, so well behaved with such a great personality! I just don't know what Chris and I did to deserve such a wonderful gift. I love my Lil Man!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mason is 6 Months Old!

Well, we're halfway to a year. I can't believe it. The time has gone by so quickly and he's grown so much. I'm so excited and at the same time, miss that itty-bitty baby I brought home 6 months ago.

Mason is going to crawl any day now. He's sitting up like a pro and when he's on his belly he's trying so hard to crawl. He lifts his little butt in the air and gets one leg under him, but that's all he can do at this point. Once that happens, he doesn't move his arms so he ends up either rolling over or in a face plant :) It's really funny to watch! But it won't be long because I can see the determination on his face. He does move backward though....too funny. He gets his legs under him and pushes himself backward so that, along with rolling, is his main mode of transportation for himself these days.

Yesterday we went to his cousin Hailey's house for her 3 year birthday party. They are exactly 2.5 years apart and it shocked me at how big my little boy really is! Mason is about 20 pounds now (he goes for his 6 month check up this week) and while I knew he was large for his age I didn't realize how much until my sister-in-law told me that Hailey weighs about 30 pounds....and she's 3 YEARS OLD!!!! little baby isn't so little :) Today at the grocery store a man asked if he was about 11 months. I laughed and said, nope, just turned 6 months :)

I love my little man!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mason's First Cold

Mason has his very first cold :(

Last Thursday was a great day....we did Gymboree and then a stroll around the mall and Mason was his usual, jovial self. Thursday night we put him to bed and starting around midnight he was up every hour until he eventually woke up for the day around 6:30am. That's 2 hours earlier than usual along with being up every hour. When he woke up I noticed he was a little stuffy and as the day wore on, he got stuffier and started sneezing and coughing. My poor little man had the most pitiful look on his face where you knew he felt bad but he was a trooper.....smiling and laughing as usual. He is still stuffy but he's better than he was a few days ago. His MomMom bought us a cool mist humidifier for his room and that's done wonders! He wakes up for his 2am feeding (yup, still doing that) and he can actually finish his bottle without stopping to breathe through his mouth. He wakes up in the morning and he isn't all stuffy. I know it helps a LOT and I'm so glad she got it for us! Thank you Marge!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day at the Pool!!!


Mason went swimming for the very first time on Tuesday (08-25-09). He and I met Kim with her sons and we had such a great day!! Mason was a little confused and a little scared at first but I think some of that had to do with the fact that he was sleepy (it was during his usual nap time) and hungry. Once he had a bottle and took a little nap he was as good as new and so we went back in the water. This time he loved it! He splashed and laughed, watched Brooks swim around and just enjoyed himself so much. Toward the end of the day he even got a little brave and let me move him around the pool on his belly. It was so cute to watch him kick his legs behind him....a natural swimmer :) He even started to move his arms a little. I know he wasn't really swimming....but it was so adorable :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Poor Little Man

Lately Mason hasn't been himself. He is usually the happiest little boy....always smiling and laughing with a hearty appetite! That explains why most people think he's about 7 months old when he just turned 5 months :) But the past couple days he's been off. Nothing scary off, but off. He has been refusing food or eating just a little. A typical bottle would be 6-8 ounces every 4-5 hours or so and lately it's all I can do to get him to eat 4 ounces a few times a day! The only time he's been eating well is at his night feeding. He always gets up around 2am to eat a bottle, change his diaper and go back to sleep until about 8:30am. He's my little sleeper! Then the crying started. Not his normal, I'm hungry or I'm tired cry but a loud "mommy something is wrong with me" cry. During the day it would happen sporadicaly but at night he would be almost inconsolable. It broke my heart to hear my little man cry like that.....knowing I can't help.
Today we went to see his pediatrician, Dr. Ari. His doctor is amazing.....we are so blessed that we found this man. He spent almost an hour with Mason, checking him out, seeing if there was anything more serious than what he was suspecting. Mason was fine at the doctor. Flirting with the nurses and being his usual charming self. And of course while I was glad he was feeling a little better I couldn't help but think to myself that Dr. Ari isn't going to see for himself what I'm talking about. But wouldn't you know it, as soon as the doctor walked in Mason had a melt down! He was crying like he cries at home and all I could say was "that's exactly what he's been doing!" Now don't get me wrong, I was sad that he was upset but relieved that the doctor could see how he has been acting. The pediatrician couldn't console him either. He held Mason and rocked him and tried different positions. He even walked him all around the office trying to distract him.....but Mason would have none of that. He wasn't feeling good and he was letting everyone know!
Once Mason settled a bit (after a nice dose of Tylenol....wonder drug for babies I tell ya), Dr. Ari and I sat down and talked while he examined Mason in short bits, so as to not disturb him. He even turned the lights off in the office so my Lil Man could rest. The doctor thinks it may be heartburn/reflux. He said it usually hits before they start solids and solids make it better but that they can get it just like we can....anytime. He asked questions such as if Mason has been stiffening up his body, arching his back, coughing more, spitting up more.....everything I'm like, yes, yes, yes!!! He checked for hernias, felt his belly, looked physically for any signs of appendicitis and all looked good. No fever.....thank you God :)
At the end his diagnosis made me laugh. He said that our offical diagonosis is "fussy baby". I was like, Dr. Ari.....I could have told you that......can I have your paycheck now? He said that it was probably due to some heartburn/reflux going on so he put my Lil Man on some baby Zantac for a couple weeks and to do smaller more frequent feeds. We're to call him tomorrow to let him know how our night went and see what happens. If this fixes him....great. If he's still not feeling well then we'll look for more.
I gave him one dose of medicine tonight and we started the smaller feeds. Mason doesn't love the smaller amount of food.....he cries a bit but will get used to it until he's feeling better. And the, what a face I got when I gave him that!!! It was a lot of liquid so I did it in 3 little squirts. The first he opened wide and once he got a taste made his icky face. The next time he opened up for me again and made an even ickier face. The 3rd time he was having no more. He would not even open his mouth! It was so funny....he clamped it shut and I had to work the syringe in to get him to take the last bit! He's such a silly little boy. But, he's good and swallowed it all.....didn't spit out a drop. BTW, I tasted it too and see why he made the is nasty! Smells kind of minty but when you taste it......gross!
Mason ate a bottle and went right to sleep tonight, no crying, no fussing. He woke at 1am to eat again and we had no problem again. I'm hoping that my little guy is on the way to mending. He's such a little angel :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mason Has a Girlfriend

Can you believe it?! My little, tiny (well, not so tiny) 4 month old son has a little girl that he just loves at Gymboree class!!! He will lay there and just watch her, and last week....he even tried to hold her hand :) Her name is Morgan and you can see Mason's head in the picture....he's wearing the dark blue. How did I ever get so lucky to have such a wonderful little boy! I am so blessed each and every day!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Things to Catch Up On

Mason rolled over for the first time on July 22nd!!! He has been trying for weeks, rolling to his left side but not quite being able to get all the way over. He would get so frustrated and angry that he couldn't do what he wanted and then start crying. But on this particular day, I was making his bed while he played on the floor. I looked down just at the moment he rolled from his back to his belly!!!! I was so proud of him....and he was super proud of himself....he was just smiling from ear to ear!! He's an old pro at it now. If only I could get him to learn how to roll back from his belly to his back, it sure would make night time better. He will often roll onto his belly in his crib and then not knowing how to get back, start crying. He even does it if he's fully swaddled!!! It is too cute but honestly, Mommy needs to get some sleep :)

Next up, Mason visited his Grammy and Grandpa Johnson in West Virginia this past weekend. He had such a good time with them!!! Grammy Pattie spent almost the entire weekend just playing with him and talking to him....I know he loved the attention! They even bought him his very first swing that hangs in their front yard! It is the cutest....they put a sign on it that says "Mason's Swing". I think Mason enjoyed it, I only wish he had more time on it. Stupid rain made it impossible to spend a lot of time with him on the swing. It always makes me happy to see him spend some time with them. Being that they are so far away from us they don't get to see the little man on a regular basis and I want Mason to know them as well as he knows his local grandparents. I can see how much joy he brings them and it makes me so happy.

Well, we're off to Gymboree in a few but I just wanted to catch up on Mason's latest.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

4 Months

Mason is 4 months old. I can't believe my little boy is already 4 months old. It seems like just yesterday we were waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more for my Lil Man to come out. He is doing so many great things and it's simply amazing to watch him grow.

We've been going to Gymboree class every Thursday for a couple of weeks now and I think he really likes it. He enjoys the songs and little games we play and he really likes to roll his head around and watch all the other babies. It's so cute to watch them all watching each other! He always falls asleep at the end though, no matter what, he's snoozing by then. I guess it's because it falls right at the same time as I usually put him down for a nap but I feel bad that he never gets to say his goodbyes to Jimbo....he's the Gymboree clown mascot. We have one here at home for him and he loves him.

Let's see what else.....OH, we started Mason on some baby food!!!! He's definitely not a fan of carrots, and I can say that he comes by that honestly because his Mommy doesn't like them either!!! Mushy carrots....YUCK!!! We've tried squash and sweet potatoes and he's done better with them and with cereal mixed with formula or breast milk...but he's still trying to get the hang of it! I know it may be a little early, but I've always jumped the gun on things. He can sit up supported and he's been eating so much that I thought we'd give it a try from time to time. He opens his mouth for the spoon but he doesn't quite seem to know what to do with it once it's in his mouth! He just kind of sits there with it in we help him out by pushing the food off for him using his top lip. Sometimes he swallows it but many times most of the spoonful ends up coming back out his mouth as he spits it out. Watching him is so's just a treat to see him exploring something new!

This past weekend we enjoyed a visit to Mason's mom-mom and Aunt Tiffany's for her birthday. We had a nice cookout and everyone was very excited to hold Mason. There is no lack of love for my little boy in our family!!!! Even the children can't wait to hold and feed him!!! I don't even have a problem finding someone to change a diaper!!!
Yesterday we went to visit my niece Naomi at her house. She has 4 children of her own and they were all so excited to meet Mason for the first time. Mason really enjoyed meeting more of his can't ever have too many hugs and kisses now can you?! Besides seeing everyone, the best part of the day was when Mason did something he's never done before.....purposefully reached for me!!!! Naomi was holding him and he started to get a little was nearing his nap time....and she asked him if he wanted his mommy and he turned to me and reached out his little arms for me to take him!!!!!! I could have just melted into a puddle on the floor to see him do that!
Well, that is about all for the moment. Lil Man has been napping for a couple hours now so he will soon be stirring, ready to eat and play some more.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I was holding Mason today as he slept thinking about how much I miss my Mom, Mason's Grandmom.

My Mom died almost 4 years ago on December 13, 2005 after a long battle with complications from an aortic dissection. Life for me has never really been the same since then. I mean sure, it goes on and I'm very happy but such a big part of my heart is missing without her. My Mom was not just a Mom...she was one of my very best friends. Growing up she stayed home to raise us (there are 3 of us, me and 2 older brothers) and until I became a stay at home mom myself, I never realized how important that was. To me, Mom being home was just normal. Little did I realize she was teaching me to become the mother that I am and hope to be. Through out my childhood and teenage years, she was always there for me, guiding me along life's path and showing me what unconditional love is. As I grew into an adult, our relationship changed from simply a mother/daughter to a friendship. I had and have so much respect for her and all that she has given to her family. There is such a void without her here. I know that she is Mason's guardian angel and so many times when he stares into what I perceive to be nothing, and smiles, I wonder if he is smiling at his Grandmom.

Wow, she would simply ADORE Mason and I know Mason would love her to pieces. It hurts to know that he'll never know her love, not like I did. I only hope that I can be a mother to my little man like my Mom was to me. I try to remember all that she taught me over the years about motherhood....never realizing that I would never get the chance to share this experience with her. I feel so blessed to have been given her as a Mom, even if her time with us was too short. I know that her work here on earth was done....even though I feel my time with her was not.

I love you Mom!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July 2009

Mason experienced his first 4th of July this Saturday. I think he enjoyed it...although he did sleep through most of the fireworks :)
Mason, Chris and I went to the Aquarium for their family fun night at the Harbor. We're members so there was chairs and tables and food and drinks for all to have while we waited for the big show...the fireworks! We shared a table with a family from Virginia and another from Montgomery County. Mason was awake for most of the time, until about 9:15 when he started to doze off. The fireworks started around 9:30 and he slept through most of them....which suprised me since they were pretty were the people around us!
The fireworks were beautiful and Mason woke up just long enough to really see the finale. His eyes were wide but he didn't seem scared. Although his little arm did tighten around mine as he watched. That is the best feeling in the world, to have my beautiful son hold on to me.
I think Mason enjoyed his very first 4th of July celebration.....but I look forward to next year's when he'll be walking and talking.......

Friday, July 3, 2009

It's Official!!

As of Wednesday, July 1, 2009....I'm now a full time, stay at home mommy!!!! Mason and I have big plans for the summer so stay in touch!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Up Again

So Mason has decided that even though he's been sleeping through the night....all the way through the night....for about a month and a half now, that he's going to start waking up at 2am to chug down a bottle. What has happened to my sweet little angel that would sleep for 10-12 hours at a stretch at night? Where did he go??? LOL, seriously though, I'm hoping this is just a growth spurt...or maybe some teething because he is quite the little drool bucket these days. I'm looking forward to when we go back to our 8:30pm bed time and our 8am wake up. But I do enjoy the extra little bit of time I have with my Lil Man in the wee hours of the morning. He's always so sleepy and snuggly....not trying to be a big boy and sit up while Mommy holds him. It's some of my favorite times of the day!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Things...

Mason is doing so many new things each day. It's amazing to watch this little person discover the world and all it has to offer.

Today he was working on rolling over. When I checked on him this morning in his crib before I left for work, he was half rolled over. I don't know how he does it, but every night I swaddle him before bed and every morning he's escaped and gotten his little arms free! I'd leave them out but he can't seem to fall asleep with them like that....but he likes them free. So this morning he has both arms to his left and his body is half turned.

This afternoon I had him laying on the couch and he just started to try rolling over on his own! Now, we've practiced a lot, but he was never really interested....I guess he decided it was interesting today! After several attempts on the couch, I got nervous that he was going to roll off so we moved to the floor. He tried for about 15 minutes but couldn't quite get it.....he will be soon though. He gets all of himself over but can't seem to get past that arm that's in the way! I think he's going to do it any day....I just hope I get it on video!!!

Goooooo MASON!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

First Father's Day 06-21-2009

Daddy and Mason celebrated their first Father's Day together this Sunday! Chris was so excited to be able to celebrate with his son. As soon as it was midnight he mentioned it so that he would get his very first "Happy Father's Day". Mason and I had a great present planned. We bought a kit to put Mason's handprint(s) in a 3-D kind of setting. We were so excited about it but when we went to actually do the project, things didn't work out so well. First the gel stuff got hard before it was even mixed together. Then I tried to use it anyway before it got to bad, but when I put Mason's foot in it, he thought it was fun to squish it all between his toes. It was very cute but alas, the great idea was out the window.

But, I got to thinking about some other things and came up with a cute little card that Mason made for his Daddy. It had pictures of him and Chris on it with a special poem inside. I think Chris really liked it. Of course Mason got him a regular card too.

Unfortunately, Chris had to study for a big exam that's coming up so we didn't get to have the Father's Day I had envisioned...BUT, we have our very own Father's Day planned for next weekend.....with steamed crabs and all!! Mason says that he is very excited....he's never seen these crab things but he hears they are pretty cool and that he must enjoy them if he want's to be a true Marylander :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Auntie eM's birthday party 06-20-2009

Today, Mason and I went to eMily's birthday party at her parent's house in Bowie. Mason was able to spend some time not only with his Auntie eM but with lots of other Burton clan. We were able to see Wyatt and Kim....Wyatt has gotten so big! He's practically as big as Mason....if not bigger! Mason seemed to enjoy meeting Wyatt; he smiled lots of toothless smiles at him and tried reaching for him. Wyatt was still a little hesitant but warmed up as the day went on :) Mason said that he especially liked getting to nap with eMily's mom....he said it's always nice to curl up with a nice Grandma and sleep the afternoon away :)