Snow, snow and more SNOW!! That's all that it has been doing here for the past week. Wow, when I wished that we would get some real amounts of snow this season so Mason could get his first real taste of a Maryland winter....little did I know I would bring on SNOWPOCALYPSE!!
The first storm came in over February 6th and 7th and left us with about 26" of the white stuff. This is a picture of our street/neighborhood during it's wrath.
The first storm came in over February 6th and 7th and left us with about 26" of the white stuff. This is a picture of our street/neighborhood during it's wrath.
Afterward, we suited Mason up and took him outside to experience his first blizzard. We were VERY excited...Mason, not quite as much. But he did have a good time playing in the snow. Here he is checking out the snow on his mitten...
Here he is wondering why I'm leaving him sitting in all this cold, wet stuff!...
Well, after that we heard another Nor'easter was on it's way. No way we, we were WRONG!!!! This is what we woke up to on February 10th.....
Good ole Mother Nature dropped ANOTHER 2 feet on us by the end of this. This blizzard was particularly scary since it was so much more windy than the first. White out conditions for most of it...this picture is actually a pretty good view from our front porch. Many times I couldn't even see our neighbor across the street!
Mason hasn't made it out in this one yet. Chris is off for the next couple days so we'll be taking Mason to play in the snow again....although with 5+ feet out there....I hope we don't lose him!!
Wow that's a freaking ton of snow! My Aunt lives in Frederick and hasn't left her house in forever, poor thing! Your pics are adorable I love him checking out his mittens, that's what madi does too. She was not that excited about the snow either!