Mason has his very first cold :(

Last Thursday was a great day....we did Gymboree and then a stroll around the mall and Mason was his usual, jovial self. Thursday night we put him to bed and starting around midnight he was up every hour until he eventually woke up for the day around 6:30am. That's 2 hours earlier than usual along with being up every hour. When he woke up I noticed he was a little stuffy and as the day wore on, he got stuffier and started sneezing and coughing. My poor little man had the most pitiful look on his face where you knew he felt bad but he was a trooper.....smiling and laughing as usual. He is still stuffy but he's better than he was a few days ago. His MomMom bought us a cool mist humidifier for his room and that's done wonders! He wakes up for his 2am feeding (yup, still doing that) and he can actually finish his bottle without stopping to breathe through his mouth. He wakes up in the morning and he isn't all stuffy. I know it helps a LOT and I'm so glad she got it for us! Thank you Marge!!!
poor guy! Hope he's feeling better soon!