Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Tooth!!
Mason has his first tooth!!!! I noticed it yesterday. I tried taking a picture and videoing it, but Mason Andrew had other plans and tried to eat both, picture. BUT once the tooth gets a little more through the gum there will be some to follow!!!! He is just so cute and he's really adjusting well to teething. He's chewing on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!! When I pick him up he even tries to chew on my chin. It's so funny, he comes at me like a little monster with a big smile, mouth wide open and making his cute little monster noises. Then he latches on and it's chew, chew, chew :) He gets a little more whiney but no crazy bouts of screaming that I've heard stories about while teething. He did wake up about 11:30 last night crying but after about 20 minutes and a dose of Tylenol, he settled down and slept until 7:30am. He is just the best baby, so well behaved with such a great personality! I just don't know what Chris and I did to deserve such a wonderful gift. I love my Lil Man!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mason is 6 Months Old!
Well, we're halfway to a year. I can't believe it. The time has gone by so quickly and he's grown so much. I'm so excited and at the same time, miss that itty-bitty baby I brought home 6 months ago.
Mason is going to crawl any day now. He's sitting up like a pro and when he's on his belly he's trying so hard to crawl. He lifts his little butt in the air and gets one leg under him, but that's all he can do at this point. Once that happens, he doesn't move his arms so he ends up either rolling over or in a face plant :) It's really funny to watch! But it won't be long because I can see the determination on his face. He does move backward though....too funny. He gets his legs under him and pushes himself backward so that, along with rolling, is his main mode of transportation for himself these days.
Yesterday we went to his cousin Hailey's house for her 3 year birthday party. They are exactly 2.5 years apart and it shocked me at how big my little boy really is! Mason is about 20 pounds now (he goes for his 6 month check up this week) and while I knew he was large for his age I didn't realize how much until my sister-in-law told me that Hailey weighs about 30 pounds....and she's 3 YEARS OLD!!!! little baby isn't so little :) Today at the grocery store a man asked if he was about 11 months. I laughed and said, nope, just turned 6 months :)
I love my little man!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Mason's First Cold
Mason has his very first cold :(

Last Thursday was a great day....we did Gymboree and then a stroll around the mall and Mason was his usual, jovial self. Thursday night we put him to bed and starting around midnight he was up every hour until he eventually woke up for the day around 6:30am. That's 2 hours earlier than usual along with being up every hour. When he woke up I noticed he was a little stuffy and as the day wore on, he got stuffier and started sneezing and coughing. My poor little man had the most pitiful look on his face where you knew he felt bad but he was a trooper.....smiling and laughing as usual. He is still stuffy but he's better than he was a few days ago. His MomMom bought us a cool mist humidifier for his room and that's done wonders! He wakes up for his 2am feeding (yup, still doing that) and he can actually finish his bottle without stopping to breathe through his mouth. He wakes up in the morning and he isn't all stuffy. I know it helps a LOT and I'm so glad she got it for us! Thank you Marge!!!
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