So Mason has decided that even though he's been sleeping through the night....all the way through the night....for about a month and a half now, that he's going to start waking up at 2am to chug down a bottle. What has happened to my sweet little angel that would sleep for 10-12 hours at a stretch at night? Where did he go??? LOL, seriously though, I'm hoping this is just a growth spurt...or maybe some teething because he is quite the little drool bucket these days. I'm looking forward to when we go back to our 8:30pm bed time and our 8am wake up. But I do enjoy the extra little bit of time I have with my Lil Man in the wee hours of the morning. He's always so sleepy and snuggly....not trying to be a big boy and sit up while Mommy holds him. It's some of my favorite times of the day!