Mason, Daddy, Mommy and Grandpop Tony joined Mason Andrew at Stride Rite to buy his first pair of real shoes!!! We weren't sure what size MAJ is so we wanted to have him measured professionaly....he's a 5 1/2 wide!!! No wonder he fussed everytime I tried to shove his little feet into a size 3!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snowpocalypse Part I and II
Snow, snow and more SNOW!! That's all that it has been doing here for the past week. Wow, when I wished that we would get some real amounts of snow this season so Mason could get his first real taste of a Maryland winter....little did I know I would bring on SNOWPOCALYPSE!!
The first storm came in over February 6th and 7th and left us with about 26" of the white stuff. This is a picture of our street/neighborhood during it's wrath.
The first storm came in over February 6th and 7th and left us with about 26" of the white stuff. This is a picture of our street/neighborhood during it's wrath.
Afterward, we suited Mason up and took him outside to experience his first blizzard. We were VERY excited...Mason, not quite as much. But he did have a good time playing in the snow. Here he is checking out the snow on his mitten...
Here he is wondering why I'm leaving him sitting in all this cold, wet stuff!...
Well, after that we heard another Nor'easter was on it's way. No way we, we were WRONG!!!! This is what we woke up to on February 10th.....
Good ole Mother Nature dropped ANOTHER 2 feet on us by the end of this. This blizzard was particularly scary since it was so much more windy than the first. White out conditions for most of it...this picture is actually a pretty good view from our front porch. Many times I couldn't even see our neighbor across the street!
Mason hasn't made it out in this one yet. Chris is off for the next couple days so we'll be taking Mason to play in the snow again....although with 5+ feet out there....I hope we don't lose him!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Well the Lil Man did it....he took his first steps all on his own. No help, no hand holding, no furniture to guide him, no wall to lean on....all by his big boy self :) He wanted to get to the chair when he was finished playing with a toy. He turned to see the chair and tried to reach it and not let go of his leverage. His arms weren't long enough. He turned around, stood up strong and took, one, two, three whole steps over to the chair without falling!!!! Mommy is so proud of her Lil Man :) I was also so excited that my MIL got to see was MomMom :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
Welcome 2010!!!
Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything and that's because my Lil Man has been keeping me OH SO BUSY!!! Mason Andrew is now 9 months old and he's learned to crawl like a champ, pull himself up on anything he can get his hands on and cruise like a pro! He's even taken to standing on his own (look hands!) for a brief time! The days of letting him lay on his boppy while I do some housework are far gone. I can't take my eyes off him for a second and you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world :) I love watching him discover new and exciting things.....even though most of the time that seems to be Daddy's electronics....

This is the look I get when I catch him in the act!
Mason had his first visit with Santa and it was mostly a success. He didn't cry but he did look a bit confused about why we were sitting him with this strange man! He would look at us and look up at Santa, back up at us and then back to Santa with a confused look. He wouldn't smile for the camera but we did get an awfuly cute picture....

Notice the sort of confused look.....
Well, right now we are in WV for the new year with Chris' family. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up more with Mason's blog once we get home......but I know he'll be walking real soon and then I'm going to need a leash!! LOL :)
Happy 2010 to all!!!

This is the look I get when I catch him in the act!
Mason had his first visit with Santa and it was mostly a success. He didn't cry but he did look a bit confused about why we were sitting him with this strange man! He would look at us and look up at Santa, back up at us and then back to Santa with a confused look. He wouldn't smile for the camera but we did get an awfuly cute picture....

Notice the sort of confused look.....
Well, right now we are in WV for the new year with Chris' family. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up more with Mason's blog once we get home......but I know he'll be walking real soon and then I'm going to need a leash!! LOL :)
Happy 2010 to all!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First Visit to the Pumpkin Patch
We took Lil Man for his very first pumpkin patch outing yesterday. It was fun but my poor little guy was so exhausted that he didn't fully enjoy the experience. He hadn't had a nap all day and each time I tried to put him down for one, it was interrupted for one reason or another. But, we put a sweater on him and took him none the less. .jpg)
We visited the "guess how big" pumpkin first. This pumpkin was HUGE!!!!! Mason wasn't impressed but I sure was! It weighed in at around 825 pounds I believe I read. Wow, wonder how much that would cost??!! LOL!!!!
Next we took some pictures of Lil Man in the characters. This one is my favorite picture. He looks so pensive in it.....I wonder what he was thinking.....
We then picked out our pumpkin for Halloween. It was windy and Mason was not only extremely tired but didn't like the wind blowing on him. He took the pumpkin patch for a while and then he broke down...
Overall, it was a great day. Even though Mason was tired, the one time is the only time he cried. As always, he was a trooper and let us do what we needed to do. It was such a fun day :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Tooth!!
Mason has his first tooth!!!! I noticed it yesterday. I tried taking a picture and videoing it, but Mason Andrew had other plans and tried to eat both, picture. BUT once the tooth gets a little more through the gum there will be some to follow!!!! He is just so cute and he's really adjusting well to teething. He's chewing on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!! When I pick him up he even tries to chew on my chin. It's so funny, he comes at me like a little monster with a big smile, mouth wide open and making his cute little monster noises. Then he latches on and it's chew, chew, chew :) He gets a little more whiney but no crazy bouts of screaming that I've heard stories about while teething. He did wake up about 11:30 last night crying but after about 20 minutes and a dose of Tylenol, he settled down and slept until 7:30am. He is just the best baby, so well behaved with such a great personality! I just don't know what Chris and I did to deserve such a wonderful gift. I love my Lil Man!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mason is 6 Months Old!
Well, we're halfway to a year. I can't believe it. The time has gone by so quickly and he's grown so much. I'm so excited and at the same time, miss that itty-bitty baby I brought home 6 months ago.
Mason is going to crawl any day now. He's sitting up like a pro and when he's on his belly he's trying so hard to crawl. He lifts his little butt in the air and gets one leg under him, but that's all he can do at this point. Once that happens, he doesn't move his arms so he ends up either rolling over or in a face plant :) It's really funny to watch! But it won't be long because I can see the determination on his face. He does move backward though....too funny. He gets his legs under him and pushes himself backward so that, along with rolling, is his main mode of transportation for himself these days.
Yesterday we went to his cousin Hailey's house for her 3 year birthday party. They are exactly 2.5 years apart and it shocked me at how big my little boy really is! Mason is about 20 pounds now (he goes for his 6 month check up this week) and while I knew he was large for his age I didn't realize how much until my sister-in-law told me that Hailey weighs about 30 pounds....and she's 3 YEARS OLD!!!! little baby isn't so little :) Today at the grocery store a man asked if he was about 11 months. I laughed and said, nope, just turned 6 months :)
I love my little man!!!
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