We visited the "guess how big" pumpkin first. This pumpkin was HUGE!!!!! Mason wasn't impressed but I sure was! It weighed in at around 825 pounds I believe I read. Wow, wonder how much that would cost??!! LOL!!!!
Next we took some pictures of Lil Man in the characters. This one is my favorite picture. He looks so pensive in it.....I wonder what he was thinking.....
We then picked out our pumpkin for Halloween. It was windy and Mason was not only extremely tired but didn't like the wind blowing on him. He took the pumpkin patch for a while and then he broke down...
Overall, it was a great day. Even though Mason was tired, the one time is the only time he cried. As always, he was a trooper and let us do what we needed to do. It was such a fun day :)